Job Management Software

As a busy service management company, you’ll know how tricky it can be to balance planned work with ad hoc urgent breakdown jobs. When you’re constantly needing to reallocate jobs and manage their priority, you need software that can help you adapt speedily to an ever-changing situation. That’s where RedZebra service job management software comes in. Designed to make light work of job allocation, our field service management tools will help you with everything from assigning the right engineer to the job to making sure they have the correct parts and tools required to complete it.

Job Management software

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Discover how RedZebra’s field service management software can help you streamline your operations.

Benefits of our Job Management Software

RedZebra’s job management software features a number of screens and dashboards that make it easy to manage incoming jobs. There’s an Outlook-style calendar, a location map, call monitor and dashboard featuring all outstanding jobs, which can be colour-coded according to their priority. Information is updated in real time, so it’s always up-to-date. Other benefits of this advanced software include:

Easy parts management

Ensure you have the right parts for the job by ordering and shipping the part to the site or engineer directly.

Allocate according to skill levels

Make sure the right engineer gets the job by allocating skill levels and areas to work in for each engineer.

Planned maintenance

RedZebra makes sure you have the right Planned Service and Maintenance visit schedules included in the jobs to be allocated for each customer, storing the required service intervals and types and what parts are needed. These schedules then automatically generate jobs when they become due.

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Discover how RedZebra’s field service management software can help you streamline your operations.

RedZebra job management software is for any busy service management company conducting planned maintenance and/or ad hoc jobs. Whether you’re an elevator service company needing to respond rapidly to emergency calls or a catering equipment installer carrying out routine servicing schedules, you’ll find RedZebra helps to streamline your workflow and maximise your efficiency. Here are some of the industries currently using our software:

Here’s how some happy RedZebra customers use our job management software to streamline the process of allocating jobs to engineers.

Common FAQs about our Job Management Software

Want to learn more about RedZebra’s job management software? Here are some of our most commonly asked questions about this aspect of the software.

What is Job Management Software?

Job management software is designed to help you prioritise and assign incoming jobs, allowing you to mastermind ordering the right parts as well as ensuring that you can efficiently juggle planned maintenance with ad hoc jobs.

Why is Job Management Software beneficial?

RedZebra job management software lets you allocate jobs to appropriately qualified engineers so that you can respond to calls in the timely and professional manner your customers expect.

How to use our Job Management Software?

RedZebra job management software is a user-friendly interface with a number of screens that give you real-time information about outstanding jobs. Simply drag and drop jobs to assign them to engineers, and see their locations on a map view if you need to find the nearest available engineer.

Can I try out the Job Management Software before purchase?

Book an online demo to get a better idea of how RedZebra works for job management.

Book a Demo

Discover how RedZebra’s field service management software can help you streamline your operations.

When you transfer your business operations to RedZebra, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits. These include:

Call Management module
Call Management

RedZebra’s call module gives you all the space you need to add, monitor, schedule and store details about calls. This powerful yet intuitive system has been designed to allow you to operate smoothly and efficiently and provide a top notch service to your clients or customers. Keep reading to find out more about its top features.

Job Management software
Customer Management

The Customer module keeps all your customer data in one place, making it easy to access customer information and manage accounts. It acts as your account nerve centre, giving you a place to record notes and maintain the high level of service your customers and clients expect from you.

Inventory Stock Management

It can be challenging to keep track of items you may be holding at different stock locations, such as your warehouses and vans, but not with RedZebra’s stock module. Using this module, you’ll be able to keep tabs on how much stock you have, where it is, and where it’s going. Keep reading to find out more about the powerful features of this useful module.