Call Management

Running a busy service business means finding a way to juggle the conflicting demands of numerous calls coming in at any given time. To deliver the best possible service to your customers, you need to be able to deal with jobs quickly and efficiently, deploying your mobile workforce in a way that uses their time effectively while servicing customers in a timely manner, that’s where our call logging software comes in.

RedZebra’s call management software helps you do this with maximum efficiency as part of our field service management software package. Our call management tools lets you log, monitor, schedule and map field engineer calls, allowing you to provide your engineers with all the information they need to do a great job. This powerful and intuitive system is designed to help you run a smooth operation that gives a great impression to your customers. Keep reading to find out more about our call and customer data management system and all its features.

Call Management module

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Our Call Management Module - What's Included?

RedZebra is a user-friendly call management system that makes managing incoming calls effortless. Let’s take a look at how the Call Management feature helps streamline your business operations.

Call Logging

The user-friendly Call Logging feature allows you to log and manage incoming calls, letting you schedule jobs and assign them to engineers. When the engineer completes the job, they can record the details of work carried out by filing a field report against that call using RedZebra Mobile. They can also fill out a risk survey, record parts used and answer any questions you configure for this call type – all recorded in our web based call logging software.

Call Monitoring

Call Monitoring allows you to keep an eye on the status of open and recently completed calls. A colour-coded system instantly shows you the call’s status, and you can filter calls by type and site location. You’ll also see the remaining response time, making it simple to prioritise more urgent calls using our call logging software technology.

Call Dashboard
Your Call Dashboard gives you a live view of whatever information you want to see. For example, you could display unassigned calls and have them disappear once you’ve assigned them to an engineer. This real-time information makes it simple to stay on top of call scheduling using our service call management software, even when you’re busy.
Call Mapping & Tracking

This feature plots engineer locations and colour-coded outstanding jobs onto a map, allowing you to prioritise jobs and assign the nearest available engineer to the job. Double click the job for more information, and also see home addresses and warehouse locations so you can ensure engineers’ time is used efficiently.

Call Diary & Scheduling

This feature gives you an Outlook-style calendar to make it easy to see scheduled calls and view engineer availability, as well as enabling you to manage engineer sick days and annual leave. You’re able to assign calls to engineers with a simple drag and drop function, clicking on the call to view more information about it or filtering calls by category.

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Benefits of Call Logging Software

Our call management system brings a number of benefits to your business. Here are just a few

Streamline your Call Management

Our call logging software allows you to manage your incoming calls with greater efficiency, keeping all information in a centralised location.

Improve your Customer Service

Our call management software is designed to help you offer the best possible service to your customers, getting engineers out to them in the most timely manner possible.

Paper Trail

RedZebra leaves a paper trail showing exactly when a call comes in, the response time and the work carried out, making it an important part of your customer data management.

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RedZebra call management software is suitable for any service-based industry with a mobile workforce, and it can be configured to meet your specific business needs. Our call logging software system is currently used by a diverse range of large and small businesses, including those in the following industries.

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Call Management FAQs

Got a question? Here are some of the questions we’re sometimes asked about our call management software.

Does the system keep a call history?

Yes, RedZebra provides a comprehensive history of all calls, which can then be reported on in multiple ways, including by customer, site engineer and many more filters.

Does the system have a postcode look-up function?

Yes, our Customer module provides a postcode look-up function that makes it quicker to add new sites, and links to several live postcode data providers.

Can customers log and view their own calls? 

Yes, customers can use the Customer Portal, which provides multi-level access that allows them to log and view their own calls.

Can the system handle multiple items on a call?
Yes, the Call module allows for multiple items or equipment on a call, and allows service information to be captured for each item.
Can the system handle multiple users?

Yes. RedZebra is multi-user, meaning that several users can log and update calls simultaneously.

What can we do with engineers on the system?

You’re able to record engineers’ skill levels and store records of their training and qualifications. You can assign them multiple skill levels, as well as assigning them to a particular area or multiple areas. You can allocate them multiple calls each day using the Call Diary.

Can calls be logged against service contracts?
Yes, the call information provides the correct service level agreement and charge levels based on pre-agreed parameters. The system logs, records and monitors all calls in line with your pre-defined service level agreements and prioritises all calls within these parameters. The Call Monitor screen provides this information on a live screen. You can also have different charge rates for different types of work and under different contract agreements.

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When you transfer your business operations to RedZebra call management software, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits. These include:

Job Management software
Customer Management

The Customer module of RedZebra keeps all your customer data in one place, making it easy to access customer information and manage accounts. It acts as your account nerve centre, giving you a place to record notes and maintain the high level of service your customers and clients expect from you.

Stock Management

It can be challenging to keep track of items you may be holding at different stock locations, such as your warehouses and vans, but not with RedZebra’s stock module. Using this module, you’ll be able to keep tabs on how much stock you have, where it is, and where it’s going. Keep reading to find out more about the powerful features of this useful module.

Call Management module
Mobile App Management

RedZebra Mobile is designed for use by your engineers and will speed up the time it takes them to record details of jobs when they’re out in the field. This clever web-based software runs on handheld devices, including smartphones, tablets and laptops, so that your engineers can take RedZebra with them wherever they’re on call. User-friendly and intuitively laid out, it allows engineers to create Field Reports on the go, recording actions taken during jobs and assigning them to a particular customer and site location.