Stock Management

Keeping track of stock levels can be a challenge, particularly when it’s in lots of different locations. It might be in various places around a big warehouse, or divided between several regional warehouses. Some of it might be stored in a van, or in a whole fleet of vans. This makes it difficult to monitor stock levels, which in turn makes it tricky to spot where excess stock has been ordered or where stock levels are running low. This is where our stock control software comes in.

RedZebra’s field management system Stock module makes inventory stock management easy, letting you keep track of stock levels in multiple locations and – if you want it to – even alerting you when you’re starting to run low on particular stock. Keep reading to find out about the different features of our stock management solution and how they can streamline your inventory management.

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Our Stock Control Software - What's Included?

The Stock module of RedZebra makes inventory control simple, allowing you to know exactly where your stock is and how much is left at any given time. Let’s take a look at how the different features of stock management services help keep large and small businesses running smoothly.

Multiple Stock Locations

RedZebra’s stock software is capable of handling multiple locations, allowing you to monitor your inventory items wherever they are – such as in regional warehouses. This means you’ll quickly be able to see when stock is running low in a particular location. The Van Stocks feature extends your inventory control management to the stock you have sitting in your fleet of vans, so you’ll know when vans need restocking.

Audit Trail

With the Audit Trail feature of our stock inventory software, you won’t just know where your stock is and how much is left – you’ll be able to see where it’s been and when. Our software for stock control helps to keep tabs on all stock movements and see immediately how much is being used, and where.

Stock Browser & Reports

The Stock Browser function allows you to browse and search for stock when you need an update on levels or other information. To make sure you never run out, you can even set up reports to alert you when your stock of a particular item is running low. Our stock inventory management software also allows you to set up reports on stock usage, value, spending and excess stock.

Shipping Notes

Our stock control system is capable of generating shipping and despatch notes for printing and sending with a sales order, which can also be used when despatching products or parts directly to a site ready for engineers to use when they get there.

Part Kit Function

This function allows you to create kits of parts, such as service or repair kits, where a set of multiple parts are required on a regular basis

Multi-level Pricing

This allows you to hold the cost of parts from different suppliers with different part numbers, enabling one part record to be assigned to multiple suppliers.

Purchase & Sales Orders

Our software allows you to create Purchase Orders and Sales Orders directly from the Stock module, which helps keep you stay ahead of where stock is coming from and where it’s going to.

Stock Levels
Our inventory tracking software allows you to view minimum and maximum stock levels, so you can keep your stocks at a pre-determined level while preventing you from having to order products each time an item is used. For example, if a van holds ten batteries it can be restocked when it’s down to its last two, while the main warehouse holds 100 batteries and will need restocking when they’re down to 20.

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Benefits of a Stock Level Management Software - Connectivity

We’ve designed RedZebra’s Stock module to help your business operate with greater efficiency, with a number of key benefits to your inventory control including:

Real-time Information

With RedZebra’s stock management software, you’ll always have up-to-the-minute information on where your stock is at all times, even across multiple locations.

Efficient Stock Management

The Stock module allows you to ensure you always have the right stock levels at any given time, letting you see where you have excess stock and not enough, so that you can make sure you’re operating with maximum efficiency.

Cost Management

RedZebra’s stock system allows you to manage spending and costs for each job, minimising losses and undercharging.

On-premises or in the cloud

Available in multiple platforms, RedZebra can be used both from location and remotely. It’s the perfect cloud based solution to connect your field service engineers with your office-based team for seamless business processes and improved customer service.

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RedZebra field management software is suitable for any service-based industry with a mobile workforce, and it can be configured to meet your specific business needs. Our stock management system is currently used by a diverse range of businesses, including those in the following industries.

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Common Stock Management Software FAQs

Any questions? These are a few we’re sometimes asked about RedZebra’s stock management system.

What is stock management?

‘Stock management’ is the term given to the concept of understanding and controlling a business’s stock, including products and the materials required to make them. It covers the process from ordering in stock to storing it, and from tracking it to managing the levels of stock in a business’s inventory.

Why is stock management important?

Stock management is a vital part of serving customers and managing a company’s cash flow. Good stock management involves ensuring that customer demand can be met, spotting when new stock needs to be ordered and ensuring there’s no excess stock that can’t be shifted.

How do you manage a stock level system?

Stock level management is easy with RedZebra’s Stock module. Its core functions cover and fit seamlessly alongside the everyday functions of call management. As soon as the engineer enters the parts used on a job, this simultaneously updates the stock records. This in turn produces stock information based on preset minimum and maximum levels

Can I use RedZebra’s Stock Management on my mobile?

Yes, RedZebra is designed to be used wherever your engineers are, from any device. This allows real-time stock management for both site and van stock, with reports updated as soon as an engineer completes their report.

Do we need training before using the Stock Management module?

Yes, the comprehensive stock management module does require training for your main system users, as this will enable them to set up the system in a way that meets all your unique business needs.

Can I try out the Stock Management module before purchase?

If you are an existing RedZebra user, we can implement a trial version of the Stock module so that you can try out the functions before deciding whether to purchase it.

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When you transfer your business operations to RedZebra, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits. These include:

Call Management module
Call Management

RedZebra’s call module gives you all the space you need to add, monitor, schedule and store details about calls. This powerful yet intuitive system has been designed to allow you to operate smoothly and efficiently and provide a top notch service to your clients or customers. Keep reading to find out more about its top features.

Job Management software
Customer Management

The Customer module keeps all your customer data in one place, making it easy to access customer information and manage accounts. It acts as your account nerve centre, giving you a place to record notes and maintain the high level of service your customers and clients expect from you.

Call Management module
Mobile App Management

RedZebra Mobile is designed for use by your engineers and will speed up the time it takes them to record details of jobs when they’re out in the field. This clever web-based software runs on handheld devices, including smartphones, tablets and laptops, so that your engineers can take RedZebra with them wherever they’re on call. User-friendly and intuitively laid out, it allows engineers to create Field Reports on the go, recording actions taken during jobs and assigning them to a particular customer and site location.