Mobile App

When you run a busy operation with multiple engineers and an array of different locations, you need mobile field service management software that’s up to the job. As well as the need to assign jobs to the nearest available engineer, you also need a field service mobile app that allows your engineers to record job details and obtain customer sign-off while they’re out in the field.

RedZebra’s user-friendly software is a mobile field service management app that does just that. Optimised for use on any mobile device, our mobile field reporting software speeds up the time it takes your engineers to record job details while they’re on the move. Not only that, but our mobile field service app has a host of features designed to allow your engineers to operate with maximum efficiency, wherever they are.

Mobile device with RedZebra software on display

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Our Mobile Field Service Software Features - What's Included?

Our RedZebra mobile app for field service management is packed with features to make it easier for your engineers to do their job out in the field. These include:

Field reports

User-friendly and intuitively laid out, RedZebra allows your engineers to create Field Reports on the go, recording actions taken during jobs, taking photographs and assigning them to a particular customer and site location. This makes it easy to record details of work carried out and inform other engineers working on an on-going job.

Signature capture

RedZebra makes it quick and easy for field engineers to capture customer signatures for proof of sign-off on a job while they’re out in the field, storing it for future reference.

Multiple devices and platforms
Our mobile field service software is designed to work efficiently on every device for a seamless user experience on iPads, smartphones, laptops and tablets. It resizes automatically to fit multiple screen sizes, no matter what device your engineers are using. It also works on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android and Windows

Benefits of Mobile Field Service Management

Designed for use by your engineers when they’re out in the field, our field service engineer app speeds up the time it takes them to record details of jobs. That’s one of many advantages to this user-friendly software, with other benefits including:
Complete connectivity

RedZebra runs on all handheld devices, including smartphones, tablets and laptops, enabling your engineers to take it with them wherever they’re on call. It’s a centralised service that allows engineers to access information from anywhere, enabling better two-way communication.

Works offline

RedZebra Mobile works offline, so it won’t be a problem if your engineer loses phone reception. This means your engineers can still operate with maximum efficiency at all times, whether there’s internet signal available or not – invaluable for certain site locations, such as hospitals and basements. What’s more, because your data is stored locally, the software can run quickly even in areas where internet signal is poor.

Greater Efficiency

This software speeds up every aspect of scheduling and recording jobs, enabling you to enter information once for use many times and reducing mobile bills. This more efficient process minimises errors and reduces missing information, as well as making problems with poor handwriting a thing of the past.

Use multiple engineers

RedZebra Mobile means you can assign jobs to any of your engineers at any time, allowing you to use different engineers for on-going problems.

Better scheduling details

RedZebra Mobile allows you to get more information to engineers, so they arrive at a job equipped with all the facts.

Satnav & tracking

Easily locate the nearest engineer to an incoming job and enable them to get directions thanks to sat nav and tracking.

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The mobile field service app is used by businesses across a huge range of industries to ensure maximum efficiency. The software is suitable for any service industry with a mobile workforce and can be configured to your exact requirements. Here are just a few of the industries currently making use of RedZebra.

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Field Service Management Software FAQs

Here are some of the questions we’re frequently asked about how our mobile field management software works.
Can we build in specific questions?

Yes, RedZebra Mobile field service management software can be customised to capture all the information you require your engineers to record on each job.

Can our engineers complete timesheets and expenses?

Yes, your field engineers can use RedZebra to complete their timesheets and expenses as well as logging job details.

Can engineers view the service history?
Yes, engineers can view the service history for the customer they’re working on, so they’re equipped with all the facts they may need for the job.
Is the software difficult for engineers to use?

No, RedZebra field service management software is very intuitive and allows engineers to follow a process to complete their job reports.

Do engineers see all our information?
No, the mobile software simply provides the required information to complete each Job. Additional information is available, but with options to restrict what is shown.
Does RedZebra have the facility to handle risk assessments?

Yes, you can use RedZebra to handle and store risk assessments for each job.

Can subcontractors use our mobile software?

Yes, in fact we have a version of RedZebra specifically built for your subcontractors to use.

Can engineers produce job sheets on-site?
Yes, they can produce a job report for the customer, which can be emailed to them or printed on-site if they have a mobile printer.

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Discover how RedZebra’s field service management software can help you streamline your operations.

When you transfer your business operations to RedZebra, you’ll enjoy a number of benefits. These include:

Call Management module
Call Management

RedZebra’s call module gives you all the space you need to add, monitor, schedule and store details about calls. This powerful yet intuitive system has been designed to allow you to operate smoothly and efficiently and provide a top notch service to your clients or customers. Keep reading to find out more about its top features.

Job Management software
Customer Management

The Customer module of RedZebra keeps all your customer data in one place, making it easy to access customer information and manage accounts. It acts as your account nerve centre, giving you a place to record notes and maintain the high level of service your customers and clients expect from you.

Inventory Stock Management

It can be challenging to keep track of items you may be holding at different stock locations, such as your warehouses and vans, but not with RedZebra’s stock module. Using this module, you’ll be able to keep tabs on how much stock you have, where it is, and where it’s going. Keep reading to find out more about the powerful features of this useful module.