Bandai Namco is a leader in the global entertainment industry, they publish and distribute video games and entertainment products across Europe, Middle-East, Africa and Asia Pacific.
As part of the Japanese Bandai Namco Group, they work hard to provide all kinds of entertainment and fun for their consumers and into the future.
We spoke to Austen Cook, the Systems Support Manager at Bandai Namco Europe Services Ltd. With 110 engineers and 15 main office users using RedZebra, he said – he loves it all!
“We wanted to find a new call system and reporting beast…”
Before working with RedZebra, they were using a call centre to take jobs over the phone and email the details to the relevant regional teams to organise. A lot of time and money was spent on admin hours, so they set-out to find a new call system and reporting beast to work alongside their Sage accounting software.
Now with over 5 years of working with RedZebra and with the addition of the Stock Asset Management module, Austen says they will never go back.
“We have an amazing rapport with the team at RedZebra, especially with Matt in Support!”
Austen talked about the engineers that use RedZebra daily, but also about the staff at the Bowling Alleys who have access via the Customer Portal. He said – “Moving over to RedZebra has eliminated the human errors and reduced the man hours significantly!”
“RedZebra saves money, massive money, and it’s more than paid for itself over a few years.”
Bandai Namco strive to create quality content to ensure hours and hours of fun. They’ve gone from a single company centred on video games, to a large-scale business that incorporates all forms of entertainment. They continue to move forward, evolving together with their customer base, and we can’t wait to see what the future brings alongside RedZebra!
If you’d like to enjoy the same benefits as Bandai Namco, give us a call on 01296 350350 or email [email protected].